Around the Der Lake you find many activities:
Visit the lac du der web site to discover all these activities
Nautical activities,, line fishing, walks, leisure activites even a casino.
Montier en Der and the pays du Der
- In Montier en Der vous can visit the Abbatiale
- Some events take place every year:
March jazz festival JAZZ Ô DER
During sommer some horese races at hippodrome de la Crouée in Montier
August brewery festival
En octobre crane festival.
In november festival de la photo animalière et de nature the third week end of november, this year from 20 to 23 november.
- Haute Marne is a traditionnal country of cast iron. Visite the paradis in Sommevoire or the Metallurgic Park in Dommartin le Franc
- You can follow the road des Eglises à pans de bois /li>
Colombey les Deux Eglises et le mémorial Charles de Gaulle
A very interesting country also du parc naturel de la Forêt d'Orient et de ses Grands Lacspedestrian walks or bicycle .
- BRIENNE LE CHATEAU, with musée Napoléon.
- Brienne le Chateau ( 15km far from Louze) has an aerodrome where you can try ulm avec AUBE ULM.
- Visites de caves de champagne
- Leisure park Nigloland
- Troyes very beautiful town with an historical center and also many factory clothes outlets.